30th December
So after all these years I've been to Genting I realise the WiFi connection here isn't really reliable. It's already my second day here and I'm still trying to find my WiFi. I mean, I don't get it, what if some businessmen come to stay over at a hotel not knowing there ain't any WiFi? He can't even do his projects and stuff lol.
Okay. Let's put all the frustration aside, it's a new morning and guess what? For the first time in my life, I'm actually having buffet breakfast in the First World Hotel!! The food here's not bad (in my opinion) so I'll absolutely recommend people to come try it out if you haven't.
(Sorry I'm not a person who eats like a hungry tiger in the morning. I eat really less for breakfast and A LOT at night, reason why my parents are always nagging me all time because of it being unhealthy. I've been having my meals like this for quite awhile already and look, I'm still as healthy and fit!^^)
As you know I don't have WiFi and obviously I'll post this after a few days later when I'm back home with a god damn connection. Guess blogging is the only way to relieve my boredom (?)...
And guess what I got here! When I walked into to the Indoor Theme Park (where all the shops are), almost ALL SHOPS are on sale!! I was like :OOO.
These Old Skool Tees were on like... 4 for RM50!! Which is around S$5 each! Tell me who wouldn't buy these?? (Sorry my shirts are camouflaging xD)
And also this red jersey-like shirt for RM25, totally worth it cause it reminds me of someone very special ☺️ (By the way, it's in L size cause it was the only piece left, I thought I could still wear it differently :/)
So, Cotton On have this small sale in-store and I decided to buy a beanie (?) cause it was rather cheap and I've never had one... (I mean like RM15?! TDF!!)
So yeah, that was my first night here and dad was suggesting earlier that we'd be going to the temple later. Not really looking forward to it but left lots of childhood memory there years ago when my cousins and I were younger. So thought I'd give it a visit after such a long time! Hahah!
So It's finally the end of the day, sighs, going back home tomorrow morning!! Then flight back to Singapore at night. It's been a really wonderful visit back to hometown! Planning to come back to Genting in 2016 and hopefully all the outdoor facilities will be done. I really miss all the rides outside though, sadly it's on renovation and would probably last quite a few years...
I guess it's gonna be a really tiring day tomorrow; packing, traveling and all the shit. Hahah!! Can't wait for school to start next week! Meeting the new Secondary 1s next year would be really exciting especially for us who aren't really used to welcoming new "family members" into school. Woots. 2013 had been a really fast and awesome year for me! All the way from meeting new friends and teachers, getting used to an absolutely different environment, getting to know all the wonderful seniors in school who have taught us and played with us this whole time, to meeting my boyfriend :P so, I hope it has been a really good year for all you guys out there reading this post!
1/1/2014 12:15am